with faith

And Joy

Coaching to equip and empower you to grow your business and your leadership.

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Be the strategic, courageous, authentic leader you were designed to be

After years of corporate leadership, I took the leap to  cofound, grow, and ultimately sell a professional services firm,  including a visit for a few years on the Inc 500 “Fastest Growing Company” list.

Now I’m here to coach YOU to grow your business and your leadership.

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I want you to be the strategic, courageous, authentic leader you were designed to be. Let’s connect!

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After successfully scaling and selling my professional services company, now I coach others on to grow their business and their leadership.


From setting the foundation to creating systems and strategies, I’ll partner with you to propel your business forward.


Conversations with Faith Driven Leaders to inspire, embolden, and equip us to lead with bold faith and abiding trust


Ever wonder why you keep getting stuck in the same places? The Primal Question framework explains why you do what you do. It reveals both the origin of your triggers and your supernatural gifts. Skillfully crafted from decades of research and over 6000 hours of interviews, The Seven Primal Questions is a revolutionary model that simplifies human psychology, and can unlock your potential as a leader.

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  • Kimberly Stuart | Rediscovering Grace
    Hi friends! Welcome to the Faith Driven Leader podcast, where we encourage and equip one another through the stories of amazing Faith Driven Leaders! Our Guest for today is my dear friend, Kimberly Stuart.  Kim is an author, speaker, and one of the most genuine, funny, and beautifully real people I know. You are going to want to pick up her new book: Star for Jesus and Other Jobs I Quit. This is Kim’s first non-fiction book, and I have to tell you that I ugly cried, and laughed until I couldn’t see through my tears more than once as I made my way through this book. It’s engaging and oh-so insightful and wise.  Kim lives in Des Moines, Iowa with her husband Marc and three children, who you will get to know as you read Star for Jesus! I first met Kim through a writer's workshop I attended with Bob Goff; Kim and I worked together for quite some time on my writing – and I credit her for breaking me of many bad writing habits! I confess that there have been seasons of my leadership where I could look back and say I was trying to be a “star for Jesus” or maybe even a star for my team, or my board, or some list-making publication…and Kim, with her humor and wit just cuts right through the gunk to reveal places where God’s grace sets me back on track once again. Thanks for tuning in, friends! Stay inspired and keep leaning into grace. See you next time! And don't forget to grab a copy of Kim's book and share your thoughts with us. Other resources: Star for Jesus (and other Jobs I Quit): Rediscovering the grace that sets us free: https://a.co/d/cfympFh More about Kim: https://www.kimberlystuart.com/ Let the Ground Rest (song by
  • Catherine Gates | Confidence in Our Identity
    Hi friends! Our guest today is Catherine Gates. Catherine is the VP of Business Partnerships for Polished Network:  Polished is committed to emboldening women in their faith and work. They have chapters around the US, with more being established quickly.  Catherine’s passion is to help others integrate their faith into their work by recognizing God wants to be in every area of our lives. She loves to help people grow in their leadership through training, facilitation, and coaching basing all she does on biblical principles.  Catherine loves to help people tap into more of God's best for them so they can reach their full potential. She has been focused in her career on integrating faith and work since 2013. Catherine is a connector, a people developer, and a student of Scripture. She has a wealth of wisdom and experience in the space of faith-driven leadership, and her authenticity and approachability enable her to truly connect with everyone she meets! Challenge:  Are you white-knuckling your way through some change right now? I encourage you to slow down and feel what you are feeling, and invite the Lord to show/teach you something at this moment. Relying on Him? Trusting Him? Adventuring with Him? Gratitude? Fear? Share your heart with Him and let Him walk with you through this season. Other resources: Polished: https://polishednetwork.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherinejrgates/ Catherine’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Confidence-Cornerstone-Womans-Fearless-Leadership/dp/1647464366 Going Deeper/Gary Oliver: https://www.goingdeeper.org/ Boldly Conference: https://www.boldlyconference.com/ Follow us on Instagram: ⁠@faithdrivenleader.co Join our Email List: ⁠https://confirmsubscription.com/h/y/36F2DD732304055B⁠
  • Ann Eileen Thompson | Fruit & Rest
    Hi friends! I'm Ann Eileen Thompson, welcoming you to the Faith Driven Leader Podcast, where we equip and encourage each other to build our leadership and careers on a foundation of deep trust in our good Father God through conversations with incredible Faith Driven Market and Ministry Leaders who live out their faith in their leadership and have the stories and the fruit to prove it. I'm the guest on today's episode! Mariel is back to interview me! We'll talk about fruit and rest – two big themes in my own career journey! Join us as we uncover the wisdom of connecting our choices with God's values, and the results — in life and in business, that come from it. Thanks for tuning in! I'm looking forward to our next conversation on Faith Driven Leader! Follow us on Instagram: ⁠⁠@faithdrivenleader.co⁠ Join our Email List: ⁠⁠https://confirmsubscription.com/h/y/36F2DD732304055B⁠⁠
  • Heidi Rasmussen | Making Margin For God
    Our guest today is Heidi Rasmussen.  Heidi is the Co-founder and CEO of Freshbenies, a Dallas-based company that helps employers and their employees save healthcare costs and confusion. To date, freshbenies has saved clients $100 million. They enable employers to contain costs and increase access to virtual care, while members save hundreds to thousands each year. Freshbenies combines technology and healthcare to provide practical tools like advocacy, telehealth, behavioral telehealth, savings networks, and more…in one easy membership. Heidi also serves as the Dallas Board Chair for 4word. 4Word exists to lead professional women who are seeking balance in career, relationships, and faith through community, content, and other benefits.  Heidi and I hit it off the very first time we met at the Boldly conference in 2023 (which is led by another amazing organization, Polished, also headquartered in Dallas). I love how these organizations work together to serve the mission of equipping and empowering faith-led women in professional roles! Heidi’s professional journey is inspiring and energizing! You are going to love her energy, enthusiasm, and authenticity. Challenge:  How will you make a margin for God this week? If you’re already making space, how can you give Him even more? If you aren’t yet, how can you give Him even 5 minutes of your day?  More from Heidi: Book Heidi mentioned: Sacred Marriage 4Word Freshbenies LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidirrasmussen/ Follow us on Instagram: @faithdrivenleader.co
  • Larry Griffith | Life or the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
    Our guest today is Larry Griffith. Larry is the CEO of Corporate Chaplains of America.  Larry leads a team of over 300 chaplains who provide care and support to employees across various industries and thousands of locations. Larry brings over 30 years of executive experience in operations, sales, marketing, and finance, and a proven track record of transforming corporate cultures, growing revenues, and developing leaders. Larry’s mission is to help businesses achieve their goals by caring for their human capital. He lives from the belief that servant leadership, employee development, and strategic growth are the keys to success in any organization. He has a passion for creating employee programs that foster well-being, engagement, and performance. Larry is a proud MBA graduate from WVU John Chambers College of Business and Economics and a former executive at a Fortune 250 firm and a Supply Corps Officer in the US Navy. Larry is full of wisdom and insight. You are going to walk away changed by this conversation! Let's dive right in! Other resources: https://chaplain.org/ John Piper: https://www.desiringgod.org/ National Hope Line (suicide prevention hotline: 800.442.HOPE) Follow Ann Thompson @anneileenthompson on Instagram


Years of observation and practice, success and failure; collected now into wisdom worth sharing.

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  • On Joy
  • On Faith
  • On Rest

On Joy

Do you know what brings you joy? I’m not talking about happiness, nor circumstantial satisfaction. Not affirmation or validation. I’m talking about Joy. As in: deep contentment, gratitude, delight, peace – regardless of circumstances, setbacks, or seasons. Most folks I know can’t really answer that question, and neither could I.

After selling the company I’d co-conceived, birthed, and scaled,I was ready for the Lord to show me what was next. Instead, He asked me “What Brings You Joy?” and I was stumped.

Eighteen months of unplanned sabbatical led me down forgotten paths, through difficult memories, and past a Kodak roll of images from childhood antics and pastimes.

I learned to recognize and change thought patterns that were keeping me from Joy. Turns out, once noble ideas like “responsibility” and “empathy for others” had become strongholds that had overtaken my ability to even know what I wanted or needed or felt or thought. Fears, insecurities, and codependence had crept in and were keeping me from being able to feel joy.

Let’s learn to recognize the negative thought patterns that keep most of us from understanding and experiencing the true, abundant Joy that our Good, Good Father has for us. We’ll identify them, understand why they aren’t serving us anymore, repent, and then begin to learn Jesus’ truth, that can lead us to a new level of trust and Joy under His covering.

On Faith

We all have Faith. We have faith that the sun will come up tomorrow, That when we drop something, it will fall to the ground. That bad things will occasionally happen. That the magnolia tree we walk by on the sidewalk will smell delicious.

The book of Hebrews in the Bible defines Faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see. Assurance. Some translations even say “evidence” of what we don’t see.

By that definition, it’s easy to see how we develop faith in gravity, the sun coming up, or relationships that disappoint us. We count on these things being absolutes, predictable, unchanging. But, how many of us operate with full Faith that we have a good, good Father? That God is who He says He is? That it’s His nature to be good? That He has a plan to prosper and provide for us? That we are who He says we are? That He gives us good gifts. That He is present with us in our trials.

Let’s explore together the ways that God has been good, faithful, trustworthy, kind, merciful, just, and loving in our own lives. We’ll look together for the evidence that produces Faith, and leads us to the lives He designed us to lead.

On Rest

“How are you?” Said any random acquaintance you run into in the grocery store or the airport or at the soccer field.

“I’m good. Pretty good. Busy, but good.” We answer, nearly every time.

It’s like we know that “busy” subtracts from the good we are experiencing. And yet, even so, we wear “busy” like the ID badge needed for meaningful life.

We boast about how little sleep we got. How much we’ve been traveling. How late we worked. How many balls we are juggling. It seems, no matter the amount of time we have in a day, it’s never enough. Our to-do list expands to fill the time.

This is not how we were designed to live. We were designed to live in peace, love, joy, goodness, kindness, patience, meekness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). We were designed to lie down by a green pasture and let the Good Shepherd care for us (Psalm 23). Those characteristics certainly aren’t correlated with busy-ness. So many of us can quote these truths from scripture, but most of us don’t live as if we believe they are meant for us, at least not in whatever “season of life” we are in.

So, what gives?

Let’s explore the things that are keeping us from rest. The fears, the responsibility we feel for everyone and everything, the strain and striving, and the affirmation and validation of others that hits us like dopamine. We’ll identify the thoughts that are keeping us from rest, and begin to discover that the time we needed to rest was there all along.

Lead with Faith and

Deep Trust

Let’s work together to grow your business and your leadership

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